Newsflash 4
Yesterday all servers in the U.S. went out on strike in a bid to get more RAM and better CPUs. A spokes person said that the need for better RAM…
Yesterday all servers in the U.S. went out on strike in a bid to get more RAM and better CPUs. A spokes person said that the need for better RAM…
A lot of different languages are available for the Back-end, but by default this language may not be installed. If you want a translated Back-end, get your language pack and…
Yes! Prior to Joomla! 1.5, only the text values of an Article and only for ISO-8859-1 encoding was allowed in the PDF rendition. With the new PDF library in place,…
Most Articles will be assigned to a Section and Category. In many cases, you might not know where you want it to appear so put the Article in the Uncategorized…
To completely remove an Article, select the Articles that you want to delete and move them to the Trash. Next, open the Article Trash in the Content Menu and select…
Mambots have been renamed as Plugins. Mambots were introduced in Mambo and offered possibilities to add plug-in logic to your site mainly for the purpose of manipulating content. In Joomla!…
When you Archive an Article, the content is put into a state which removes it from your site as published content. The Article is still available from within the Control…
Joomla! runs on any platform including Windows, most flavours of Linux, several Unix versions, and the Apple OS/X platform. Joomla! depends on PHP and the MySQL database to deliver dynamic…
Within the Installer you will find a wide collection of languages. The installer currently supports the following languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, Bengali, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hebrew,…
Installing of Joomla! 1.5 is pretty easy. We assume you have set-up your Web site, and it is accessible with your browser. Download Joomla! 1.5, unzip it and upload/copy the…
Há mais trinta anos, um grupo de comerciantes Varejistas de Petrolina, percebendo, visionariamente, a amplitude na qual está terra se tornaria, reuniu-se na sede da antiga Companhia Telefônica do São Francisco, com intuito de criar uma entidade que representasse, organizasse e unisse a classe lojista.
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